Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day - Give Thanks

Today is labor day. Sometimes we forget what it means. I'll remind you. Labor day is a day to say thank you to all of those who came before us, who sacrificed and worked to improve the quality of life for all working people. The people who built our railroads, our highways and the infrastructure we so often take for granted.

It is a day to say thank you to the police and firefighters and first responders who protect us. A day to remember the teachers & mentors who inspired us, often working long hours for low wages and few benefits.

We want to thank the people who fought to improve working conditions and job security and safety. We want to thank those who grow and harvest our food. It's low paying, back breaking work, often in harsh conditions and sometimes while handling dangerous pesticides.

A day to say thank you to those who package our goods, drive the trucks, planes and trains that bring them to the stores we shop at. The janitors who clean our offices and hotels. The nurses and technicians who care for us and the people who build our homes and workplaces.

Time to say thank you to the creative people and technicians who create and bring us entertainment. Those names in the credits you will never see. The mechanics who fix our cars and those who remove our trash, cut our lawns, serve our food. Say thanks to those workers in the oil fields and mines and who install our wind turbines and solar panels.

Today...say thank you and remember how blessed we are because we have those millions who work hard every day to make our lives just a little bit better.

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